I guess it would make sense for me to like labyrinths. I do love walking and am always trying to find peaceful moments. Of course, for the longest time, I only associated labyrinths as elaborate mazes- which I also enjoy- but the ones I'm obsessed about are usually circular and circuitous pathways that have a center point which can be used as a meditative act. I still haven't read much about them but I love trying to find them.
The first labyrinth I can remember walking was the one outside Seattle's Space Needle back in May 2010. I'm pretty confident since my friends and I just stumbled upon it and I didn't really know what they were that I just ran the entire way! [1]
Labyrinths weren't really in my radar. The next one I came across was by Estacada Library in May 2012. [2]
It wasn't until 2018 when Cerimon House opened up by my work that I became intrigued about them. I was actually first introduced to the place because of a volunteering thing I was doing. I learned they held monthly labyrinth walks but the dates never worked out with my schedule until that October.
"I just had a wonderful time walking my first labyrinth. The whole experience was beautiful, thoughtful, relaxing, and surprisingly full of discovery and delight. I recommend experiencing it yourself as an alternative to the hustle and bustle of everyday life."
They changed the theme and intention regularly and there were various designs used. I don't have any pictures of the labyrinths there because they wanted to keep it as a surprise for those who hadn't done one yet. I really enjoyed the various activities they built around each walk.
The last walk I did there was probably New Year's Day 2020.
Nowadays, I love seeing if the places I travel to has a labyrinth for me to walk.
During my San Francisco trip back in May 2018, I was able to walk the beautiful labyrinths of Grace Cathedral- the one inside the chapel and the one in the courtyard. [5]
I've walked labyrinths in Seattle [1, 8], San Francisco [5], Rochester [6], Las Vegas [19, 20], and, of course, Portland- and some other places. I can't wait to see where else my love of labyrinths will take me.
I've compiled a list of the ones I've visited below and will continue to add as I come across more.
I hope you will take the time to experience labyrinths as well.
1. Space Needle (Seattle, WA)- May 29, 2010 [Outdoor; Permanent]
2. Estacada Library (Estacada, OR)- May 12, 2012 [Outdoor; Permanent; During library hours]
3. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church- May 3, 2018 [Outdoor; Permanent]
4. Cerimon House- First: October 20, 2018; Last: January 1, 2020; Multiple times in between, various designs [Indoor; Temporary; Scheduled]
5a. Grace Cathedral (San Francisco, CA)- May 2, 2019 [Indoor; Permanent; During church hours]
5b. Grace Cathedral (San Francisco, CA)- May 2, 2019 [Outdoor; Permanent]
6. First Unitarian Church (Rochester, NY)- May 2019 [Outdoor; Permanent]
7. Tabor Heights United Methodist Church- September 14, 2019 [Outdoor; Permanent]
8. Denny Park (Seattle, WA)- October 25, 2019 [Outdoor; Permanent]
9. The Grotto- September 3, 2020 [Outdoor; Permanent; Paid admission]

10. Mount Tabor Presbyterian- March 12, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
11. Central Lutheran Church- April 17, 2021 [Outdoor; Scheduled]
12. Intersection of N. Holman St. and N. Wilbur Ave.- April 27, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]- I tried walking this one but the lines were kind of hard to make out. Plus, I couldn't really get into the right frame of mind worried of getting run over!
13. Happy Valley City Hall (Happy Valley, OR)- May 1, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
14. Unity Spiritual Center of Portland- May 6, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
15. Metanoia Peace Community- May 7, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
16. Franciscan Spiritual Center (Milwaukie, OR)- May 7, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
17. Pilgrim Lutheran Church- June 10, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
18. N. Willamette Blvd. between Burage Ct. and N. Delaware Ave.- June 10, 2021 [Outdoor- Front Yard]
19. Reunion Trails Park (Henderson, NV)- July 4, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
20. Huntridge Circle Park (Las Vegas, NV)- July 4, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
21. Marysville Elementary School- July 8, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
22. Vancouver United Church of Christ (Hazel Dell, WA)- September 23, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
23. St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Gresham, OR)- October 2, 2021 [Outdoor; Permanent]
24. Trinity Episcopal Cathedral- February 28, 2022 [Indoor; Scheduled]
25. Min Zidell Healing Garden- March 4, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent; Open during school hours]
26. St. Rose School- March 5, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
27. Christ United Methodist Church- March 11, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
28. Creator Lutheran Church (Clackamas, OR)- March 25, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
[X] Kaiser Permanente- Sunnyside Medical Center (Clackamas, OR)- March 25, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent; Open during visiting hours]- Technically, I went here but I can't count it since I didn't get a chance to walk the labyrinth due to it being used as an outdoor sitting area.
29. NE 66th Ave. between NE Stanton St. and NE Siskiyou St.- April 15, 2022 [Outdoor- Front Yard]
30. St. Michael & All Angels Church- April 15, 2022 [Indoor; Scheduled]
31. Cedar Hills United Church of Christ- April 22, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
32. West Linn Lutheran Church- May 13, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
33. Spirit of Grace (Beaverton, OR)- May 20, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
34. St. James Episcopal Church (Tigard, OR)- May 20, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
35. Pacific University (Forest Grove, OR)- June 3, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]- Even though the path was obstructed, I was still able to walk it.
36. Hosford Middle School- June 8, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent; Open when school is not in session]
37. Mt. Scott Rock Spiral- June 8, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
38. St. Edwards Episcopal Church (Silverton, OR)- June 23, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
39. West Hills Friends Church- July 8, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
40. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (Vancouver, WA)- August 19, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
41. Seattle University (Seattle, WA)- September 15, 2022 [Outdoor; Permanent]
42. Kaiser Permanente- Sunnyside Medical Center (Clackamas, OR)- January 13, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent; Open during visiting hours]- I had gone to this one after #28 and noted that I wasn't able to walk it but I'm glad I went back because I finally did.
43. Marylhurst Heights Park (West Linn, OR)- January 19, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
44. Legacy Meridian Park Hospital (Tualatin, OR)- January 20, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
45. First Presbyterian Church (McMinnville, OR)- April 28, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
46. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church (McMinnville, OR)- April 28, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
47. McMinnville Cooperative Ministries Parkview and Labyrinth (McMinnville, OR)- April 28, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
48. Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel (Mt. Angel, OR)- May 11, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
49. Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church (Vancouver, WA)- May 26, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
50. Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center (Vancouver, WA)- May 26, 2023 [Outdoor in the Healing Garden; Permanent]
One of my goals in 2023 was to walk my 50th labyrinth. And, I'm happy to announce that I did it!
guess it would come to no surprise to anyone that someone who loves
walking would enjoy labyrinths. Although, I don't think most people go
about it the way I do of walking one very quickly in order to get to the
next labyrinth. But then that's just me and I love lists and I'm
learning to embrace the fact that Earl-fun is different from other
people's ideas of fun.
I was surprised, though, by which ones I was able to
to and which ones I actually went to. I thought my 50th one would be at
Bandon's Circles in the Sand (which is on my bucket list to experience)
or something I would make myself and for others to enjoy. But it was at
Legacy Medical Center at Salmon Creek. It was part of their beautiful
and peaceful Healing Garden.
51. Washington State University- Vancouver (Vancouver, WA)- "Golden Section" Sculpture by Michael Davis with walkable labyrinth- May 26, 2023- [Outdoor; Permanent]
52. Cornelius United Methodist Church (Cornelius, OR)- May 26, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
53. St. Aidan's Episcopal Church- August 21, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
54. St. Andrew Lutheran Church (Vancouver, WA)- October 22, 2023 [Outdoor; Permanent]
55. First Presbyterian Church (Vancouver, WA)- January 1, 2024 [Indoor; Scheduled]
56. Our Lady of Guadalupe (Seattle, WA)- July 5, 2024 [Outdoor; Permanent]
a recent visit to Seattle, a couple of my friends not only let me go
find a labyrinth but they also walked it with me. It was the first time I
went to one with others and I enjoyed getting to talk about what it'll

57. Walpole Garden- August 26, 2024 [Outdoor; Permanent]
58. Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral- October 14, 2024 [Outdoor; Permanent]