Saturday, February 27, 2021

Whimsy and Wonder #15- Hope Fence

I passed by the Hope Fence in Portland's Hollywood neighborhood on my walk to work dropping off books to Little Free Libraries along the way. 


Friday, February 26, 2021

Whimsy and Wonder #14- Little Free Jigsaw Puzzle Library

I love that this looks like a typical Little Free Library but it actually contains jigsaw puzzles!



It's interesting that so many of my items on my Whimsy and Wonder list are variants of these community or neighborhood boxes that are sharing all kinds of things!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

Whimsy and Wonder #12- Snow and Ice Storm

In all my years (over a decade) of living in Portland, I don't think I've ever experienced this kind of snowstorm before. Sure, we've had "snowpocalypses" before but not to this extent. There was one day when the whole city seemed to be shut down completely. The snow just kept accumulating and the layer of ice was new.

I decided to add the winter snowstorm we had for the beauty nature created with all the snow and ice and then its power to not be ignored.



Friday, February 5, 2021

Whimsy and Wonder #11- Portland Winter Light Festival

For my most recent Artist Date- and latest entry in my search of whimsy and wonder,- I walked around last night to see some of the art from the Portland Winter Light Festival! It's one of my favorite Portland events and last night was the perfect weather for it. Credit to all these talented creators and organizers!

Lots to love with this year's PDX WLF! A nice way to add creativity, positivity, and, of course, light during these dark winter nights!


I even stopped by to finally get some ube shaved ice afterwards.


I also saw some amazing "resistance" art that has popped up in downtown.