Friday, October 8, 2021

Whimsy and Wonder #53: Salish Ponds City Trail

Went to another part of Portland (and I just realized I've been interchanging Portland for Multnomah County so people can have a better reference to where these places are located if that makes sense) that I haven't really taken time to explore aside from if it has a library. In this case, I went to Fairview.

I walked the Salish Ponds City Trail. One of the reasons I wanted to go here was that there was a covered bridge- Alex Brown's Bridge- and you know I love bridges.



The trail leads to two ponds. East Salish Pond is where the ducks hang out. West Salish Pond is a popular for fishing. 

There's also the Inatay Bridge. It's weird what shows up and doesn't show up on Google Maps.

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