Saturday, January 2, 2016

Looking Back/ Looking Forward

Looking Back

Some of the highlights of 2015 for me:

-Spending time with family and friends.
-Going on so many trips whether for work (Pasadena) or to see family and friends (Seattle, Las Vegas, San Francisco).
-Seeing Mariah Carey in concert. That was quite an ordeal.
-Watching Wicked again, which was also quite an ordeal.
-Finally cutting off my hair to donate to Locks of Love.
-Completing a three-year term with Friends of the Library.
-Continuing to volunteer with familiar (Children's Book Bank, Schoolhouse Supplies, Potluck in the Park) and new (Store to Door, Oregon Brewers Festival, Alberta Main Street) organizations for a total of 109 hours.
-Throwing a Housewarming Party at my new place.
-Getting my passport.
-Finishing a first draft of my picture book and reading it in front of a crowd.
-Winning a James Patterson holiday bonus.

For a more bookish reflection, head over to The Chronicles Of A Children's Book Writer.

2015 was my year to FAIL.

It drove me to try new things I normally wouldn't go through with- whether it's singing karaoke or dressing up as a caterpillar, speaking in front of a crowd or in front of a camera.

It meant letting go of certain ideas I associated with things. Once I let go of the notion that I also had to illustrate the picture book I wanted to write, the story came more freely. Then, even without it being perfect, I let others read it- and I read it in front of people, too- and I'm so grateful for the responses and feedback I've received.

It also gave me the attitude of "why not?" that I plan on carrying on into the new year.

Looking Forward

Some of my resolutions for this year:
-Hug more.
-Connect more with family and friends even if means talking over the phone.
-Have more conversations with Bookish People.
-Watch more plays and musical.
-Read 666 books.
-Read more books by Filipino authors and illustrators.
-Disconnect from phone by 11pm. No phone during meals with friends.
-Do something creative every month. Art Project a Month
-Story Idea a Day.
-Try out new volunteer opportunities and have more meaningful experiences while volunteering.
-Money Saving Challenge
I like this money saving challenge. I would recommend printing it out or creating your own table. And, remember, you can do it however way you want. For example, you can do random amounts instead of consecutively. Or, you can alternate front to back- $1, $52, $2, $51... because it's going to be tough at the end of the year with the larger amounts. The important thing is to save and see how it goes. [And for kids, or adults who want to take it easy, maybe they can do it too but divide by 10 so it'll be 10-cents the first week, etc. They'll still end up being amazed by how much they'll get at the end of the year!]

-12X12X12 Bookstore Challenge

For a more bookish resolutions, head over to The Chronicles Of A Children's Book Writer.

For 2016, my One Little Word is Kindness. I started a new blog called Kindness Conversations as part of it and I hope you'll check it out and participate!

Have a great year ahead!

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