First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone
who’s ever bothered to read anything I’ve ever written- my blog posts, in
particular- and for being supportive of my dream of becoming a writer.
And, really, that’s the thing I don’t understand: why
anyone would believe I have what it takes to be a writer when I haven’t proved
that I can. If I heard that from someone and it’s been as long as it has with
nothing to show for it, I would seriously doubt that person’s dedication.
Why is it I can tell people what is the best thing for
them do (and I often do even when it’s not asked for!) but I can’t convince
myself to just write and get something written even if it’s just a rough draft?
I guess that’s why I’m asking you or your feedback.
Some questions to consider…
Why are you supportive of my dream of becoming a writer?
Because you’re naturally going to encourage
everything I do because I’m your family/friend
Because it’s what I say I want and you want me
to be happy
Because you believe everyone who has a dream
should go for it
Why aren’t you supportive of my dream of becoming a
Because I’m all talk
Because it’s not really what I want to/should be
Because I’m not talented
Why do you think I can write when I haven’t shared
What do you think I should be writing?
What do you think I can add to the literary scene?
What can I do to improve on my strengths and weaknesses?
What do you think I should be doing besides/instead of
Be honest since I am asking for your feedback and
therefore I am ready for the good and the bad. I truly value your input.
Elaborate. Be specific. I really have a problem taking anything seriously when
it sounds like a generic comment. And, I’m neither fishing for compliments nor
just getting kicks off being criticized.
You can email me your answers at EA12L @ HOTMAIL . COM
(No spaces, of course.) Again, thank you.
I support you being a writer because of your first set of A., B., and C. However, I also think you have proved you are committed to the world of literature through everything you do for the community. If your passion for helping others is as strong as your passion for writing I think you will be just fine. Success=hard work + passion. Keep at it and put something out for people to give you feedback on!
Hi Earl,
Why is it I can tell people what is the best thing for them do (and I often do even when it’s not asked for!) but I can’t convince myself to just write and get something written even if it’s just a rough draft?
We're all experts at what everyone else "should" do, aren't we? :)
As to supporting your writing dreams, I hope you continue and get that first draft created, even if you never intend to publish it. The roller coaster is the most scary on the first ride.
As to getting things written, I find that just starting to write something (anything) seems to work for me. There's something magical about simply putting lots of words (almost any words) on paper. ... Maybe just putting out a daily story on your blog is one way to get the habit of producing something ingrained.
Take care,
"I can't give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to the question of whether you must create."
I'm supportive of your writing because of a, b and c.
Sometimes doing something one values tremendously can be daunting, but the risks are often worth taking.
Earl, I say ditto to what your other friends wrote in the comments; you have wonderful people in your life, but you know that. :)
I struggle similarly. I don't write for a host of reasons, but all the great writers and writing teachers tell us to write daily: Regardless of whether it's a sentence or thousands of words, just sit in the chair if nothing else and think about writing, to develop the practice of writing. Don't judge it as good or bad, just write. Don't worry it's not good enough or the thought of having to edit it later, just write. It doesn't even have to make sense, just write. I hope we can both make this a reality in 2013.
You have had such a remarkable life, and are such a wonderful, funny person, you do have much to share with the world whether you write or volunteer or simply post moments of your life on Facebook. Your life is your art and your writing, if you will, so in a way, you're already doing it daily whether you realize it or now.
Yours in gratitude, admiration and motivation,
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