Sunday, September 9, 2012

Looking Back/ Looking Forward

While Fall doesn’t officially begin until September 22nd, my Summer of Service, Season of Spark and Triumphant challenges are over. I can’t believe all the things that have happened! When I got laid off, these lyrics from Queen’s “We Are the Champion” was fresh in my mind, “I consider it a challenge before the whole human race and I ain’t gonna lose.” Right now, I definitely feel like winning.

-Becoming a Friends of the Multnomah County Library Board Member
-Feeling continually supported by others with my decisions in life
-Getting a job at Green Bean Books
-Reaching my goal to volunteer 200 hours by the end of summer
-Volunteering at so many wonderful places and getting to meet cool people
-(Something else I’m keeping to myself until I meet up with you guys in person. It’s rare I actually have something to share so that’s why I’m waiting.)

I wasn’t going to start a challenge for September but I felt so reinvigorated after spending time with friends that I decided to not have one but four challenges, one for every week of the month!

RESTART- Get back into the swing of things
REVIEW- Prepare what I should do next and how to go about it
RECHARGE- Focus on health and get back that spark
RENEW- Everything old will be new again as I plan on moving again around this time

RESTART week has gone wonderfully well.

Of course, just because these are weekly challenges doesn’t mean they won’t overlap and carry over. I know for RECHARGE week, I want to “make time for friends” since they make me happy. So I’ll REVIEW when the best times to get together are.

When summer started, I was filled with excitement of what the future held for me. I’m happy to say, I’m as excited- if not, more!-of what else awaits me, of what dreams may come.

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