In addition to my previous post, which has since become outdated, there were the 18 Little Free Libraries plus the 5
other “neighborhood book boxes” around Portland that I’ve also checked out.
What I loved about these mini-libraries is that like their full sized
counterparts, they promote community. For example, one of these unofficial
libraries is located in Share-It Square in Sellwood where the other corners in
the intersection are a community bulletin board, a kid’s clubhouse, and a tea
station. The one in the Buckman neighborhood stands next to the community
compost site.
There’s also the Book, Zine and Treasure Exchange on SE Division.
Little Free Libraries- 18 (In order of visit)
16123 NW Andalusian Way
1380 SW Westwood Dr.
4765 SW Admiral St.
3107 SE Knapp St
1603.5 SE 58th Ave
602 NE Laurelhurst Pl
4206 NE 30th Ave
765 NW Angeline Ave.
1027 NW 1st St.
8046 SW 6th Ave.
17189 Carlson Ct.
1565 N. Shaver St.
6934 N. Concord Ave.
8971 N. Fortune Ave.
1303 SE 114th Ave.
SE 51st & Madison
7618 SE Duke Street
19112 S. Winton Dr.
Neighborhood Book Boxes- 5 (In order of visit)
SE 9th Ave and SE Sherrett St
NE Ridgewood Dr
and NE 25th Ave (I think this became an actual LFL but I’m not counting
it as one.)
SE 15th Ave and SE Alder St
SE 19th Ave and SE Washington St
SE 33rd Ave and SE Belmont St
Book, Zine and Treasure Exchange on SE Division
Special Rooms
Special Rooms
- Rare Books Room (Powell’s City of Books)
- Sterling Writers Room (Central Library)
- John Wilsons Special Collections (Central Library)