Friday, October 9, 2009

Second Glance Books

Second Glance Books is located in the corner of 45th and Sandy Boulevard in the Hollywood district. It was a pleasant surprise to stumble upon a used bookstore here where new and old buildings and businesses try to find a way to co-exist with one another. Yet, at the same time, it seemed right there should be one in that spot.

Aside from its location there's really nothing that separates Second Glance Books from others of its kind. They don't specialize in anything but there is a good mix of titles in stock. On the left upon entering is fiction, mystery and thriller with a children's section behind the register which is in the center of the store. The other side holds mostly romance, western and sci-fi, as well as non-fiction selections. SGB also does the standard buying, selling and trading of books.

NPR seems to be a favorite radio station being played in used bookstores. Classical music comes a close second. I asked the owner (or, at least, the lady who was working there at the time) a few questions to see if she really knew and enjoyed what she was doing. She did. Of what I can remember, she liked mostly fiction and mentioned William Faulkner and Anne Tyler as a couple of her favorites. She also knew her inventory well and she was able to help other people find what they wanted.

So, while not exactly unique, there's nothing wrong with being a nice, dependable place which Second Glance Books definitely is.

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